Security Policy

Your security is important to Sundiata White Group - Intellistaff Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SWGi). The processes of our business include sharing your personal information with others to carry out our staffing services, that is, to try to find job matches for applicants and fulfill staffing service requests of client companies. This security statement provides information about the ways in which SWGi secures information.

Methods of securing information:

  • Physical measures (locked cabinets, doors, exiting from computer applications with personal health information, placement of information away from public view)
  • Administrative measures – “need to know” – only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, an SWGi Associate or one of our accounting representatives) are granted access to personally identifying information.
  • Technical measures (passwords, automatic log off, firewalls)
  • Random and incident-specific audits
  • For the most part, communication with us through the website is via e-mail transmission. E-mail transmission can be accessed by other Internet users. Please contact us by a method other than e-mail, if you want to keep certain information confidential.


  • No employee or any other person working at or on behalf of SWGi shall collect, access, use or disclose information except as permitted by law and as required in the proper and faithful discharge of their duties or responsibilities.
  • Any person working on behalf of SWGi are accountable for using SWGi’s methods of securing information (as indicated above). The security safeguards will protect information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
  • Any person working on behalf of SWGi is required to abide by this policy, and upon commencement of employment or affiliation with SWGi, review the policy and affiliated communication material. Mandatory orientation and annual review of the affiliated communication material will be used to reinforce an understanding of the requirements of this policy, the use of secure information handling practices, and the consequences of any breach or suspected breach of security. Where appropriate written agreements entered into by SWGi will include provisions addressing security of information.
  • Breaches or suspected breaches of this policy will be investigated. Breach of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action, including legal action, and termination of employment or affiliation with SWGi.