1. Overview
SWGi maintains this website as a service to visitors. This Privacy Statement is designed so that you may understand how we collect and use data through our website, and to help you make an informed decision about using our website. If you have concerns about our data practices, please do not use the website.
2. Collection, Use, and Sharing of Information
We collect two types of information from visitors to our website: (a) Traffic data, which shows for example, how many times and which pages are visited, but does not contain personally identifying information; and (b) Personal information, which visitors knowingly choose to disclose. Traffic data is collected by data files such as "cookies" and log files. Personal information includes contact data such as your name and email address, work experience and resume information. Further details on the collection and use of the information are below.
a.Traffic Data. When you visit the website we automatically collect information about your computer, server and browser. It does not personally identify you. Technology files such as "Cookies" and Log files collect and track this information. Clicking on "Banner Ads" may also do this. We use such data to administer the site and make your visit more efficient. We may share this data in aggregate with partners and advertisers.
b. Personal Information. We collect personal information, for example, when you send us an email or submit your resume. We use your email address to respond to you. We use your resume and job request information in our various staffing and recruiting businesses. You should expect that we will disclose this information to other companies and individuals in finding a potential job match. We may not always contact you before this is shared. We do not sell your data to third parties.
c.Disclosure of Data. We will also disclose your data as needed to operate our systems, protect ourselves and our users, in the event of a corporate reorganization, sale or merger of any of our businesses, and if compelled by the government or to comply with law.
3. Acceptance Of Our Privacy Practices
By using this website you signify your acceptance of our Privacy Statement, and you adhere to the terms and conditions posted on the website.
4. Access to Your Personal Information
You can:
1. Ask for a copy of your personal information;
2. Ask for your personal information to be corrected or updated; and/or
3. Ask us to remove your personal information from our records.
This information is passed via an email submit. Thus, if you wish to request a more secure way to communicate with us, please contact us.
5. Security
a. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, a SWGi Associate or one of our accounting representatives) are granted access to personally identifying information.
b. We have certain secure databases where we store data. We may also store your personal information in paper document files in our various offices.
c. The processes of our business include sharing your personal information with others to carry out our staffing services, that is, to try to find job matches for applicants and fulfill staffing service requests of client companies.
d. For the most part, communication with us through the website is via e-mail transmission. E-mail transmission can be accessed by other Internet users. Please contact us by a method other than e-mail, if you want to keep certain information confidential.
6. Links to Affiliated Company Sites and Third Party Sites
This website contains links to other sites, both those of affiliated companies, and of third parties. Please be aware that SWGi is not responsible for the privacy practices of third party sites. We encourage our users to be aware of when they leave our site, and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifying information. This Privacy Statement applies solely to information collected by this website.
7. Updates and Changes
We may make changes to our Privacy Statement. If so they will be posted on our website.
8. No legal rights created
This Privacy Statement does not by itself create any legal rights.
9. Children's Online Privacy Protection
This website is not intended for use by Minors and does not direct content to Minors. If you allow a minor child to use this site, you shall be responsible for all such use.
10. Exclusive Jurisdiction
SWGi is a company operating from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. These terms and conditions apply to this site in the Province of Ontario and the Federal laws applicable in the Province of Ontario. If you access this from outside the Province of Ontario, Canada, you should make sure you do so in compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction.
11. Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or our website, you can contact:
The Privacy Officer
E-mail: info@swgi.ca